Saturday, April 15, 2017

Galaxy Evolution Tracking Animation

2016-06-04 21:27:00

Galaxy Evolution Tracking Animation 
Video Credit: Donna Cox (AVL NCSA/U. Illinois) et al., NASA's GSFC, AVL, NCSA
Explanation: How did the universe evolve from such a smooth beginning? To help understand, computational cosmologists and NASA produced the featured time-lapse animated video depicting a computer simulation of part of the universe. The 100-million light-year simulation starts about 20 million years after the Big Bang and runs until the present. After a smooth beginning, gravity causes clumps of matter to form into galaxies which immediately begin falling toward each other. Soon, many of them condense into long filaments while others violently merge into a huge and hot cluster of galaxies. Investigating of potential universe attributes in simulations like this have helped shape the engineering design the James Webb Space Telescope, currently scheduled for launch in late 2018.

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