Thursday, April 13, 2017

Не смотрите телевизор, читайте Гарри Поттера (я серьезно)

2015-06-01 11:28:00
Просмотр теленовостей способен формировать неосознаваемое негативное отношение к другим людям, в то время как чтение книг вообще, и Гарри Поттера в частности (см ниже) способствует лучшему взаимопониманию людей. 

Effects of Long-Term Exposure to News Stereotypes on Implicit and Explicit Attitudes
Florian Arendt, Temple Northup

A substantial body of research suggests that some news media outlets depict certain social groups stereotypically. We hypothesize that long-term exposure to such news influences viewers’ automatically activated gut feelings (i.e., implicit attitudes) toward this social group , which, in turn, may be used as a basis for overtly expressed evaluations (i.e., explicit attitudes). This prediction was investigated in three empirical studies in two cultural contexts. In the United States and Austria, results suggest that regular exposure to stereotypical news coverage creates negative implicit attitudes, which, in turn, alter explicit attitudes. A better understanding of the news stereotype effects will allow us to develop strategies to reduce prejudice, which may contribute to the improvement of a humane and open society.

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популярное обхяснение на рус 

The greatest magic of Harry Potter: Reducing prejudice
Recent research shows that extended contact via story reading is a powerful strategy to improve out-group attitudes. We conducted three studies to test whether extended contact through reading the popular best-selling books of Harry Potter improves attitudes toward stigmatized groups (immigrants, homosexuals, refugees). Results from one experimental intervention with elementary school children and from two cross-sectional studies with high school and university students (in Italy and United Kingdom) supported our main hypothesis. Identification with the main character (i.e., Harry Potter) and disidentification from the negative character (i.e., Voldemort) moderated the effect. Perspective taking emerged as the process allowing attitude improvement. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed in the context of extended intergroup contact and social cognitive theory.

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