Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Dear colleagues

2014-09-08 20:46:00

it is a pleasure for me to invite you to to a round table ?Crisis in the Ukraine - psychotherapeutic approaches“organized by the European Association for Psychotherapy in collaboration with the Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna (SFU) on December 5th and 6th, 2014.

Well-known psychotherapists from all over Europe will be invited.
Alfred Pritz (EAP General Secretary, SFU Rector from Vienna, Austria), Eugenijus Laurinaitis (EAP President from Lithuania), Ivana Slavkovic (EAP Registrar, Serbia), Mikhail Reshetnikov and Victor Makarov from Russia and Anna Schor Tschudnowskaja (Austria/Russia) will be among the speakers.
Heidemaria Gürer, from the Austrian Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs will open the round table on Friday at 5.00 pm.

It is a pleasure for me to announce that Vienna´s mayor invites all participants to a cocktail party in the historic Vienna Town Hall on Friday, December 5th, 2014 starting at 8:15 pm.

Attached please find the program, if you are planning to participate, please register with Sonja Wirgler at

Sincerely Yours

Alfred Pritz
EAP General Secretary

Schnirchgasse 9A/4/410
1030 Vienna
Tel: +43 69915131729


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